Showing: 1 - 10 of 26 RESULTS

At your service …

6-Jul-2020 • AT YOUR SERVICE … We are proud to present our new team of men and women who will lead the club in the new Toastmasters year. They have accepted the challenge of serving the members and leading the club to another President’s Distinguished status. President – Alex Lo …



“07/11 KEEP THEM ROLLING” To roll or not to roll? It’s a choice! Tonight, we kept the ball rolling onstage as we dared to think differently and overcome every difficulty! Wonderful Co TMEs with Calvin Lee and Marco Tsang Best Speaker: Jacqueline Yau Best Table Topics: Mark Garcia Best Evaluator: …



“31/10 TRICK OR TREAT YOUR BUSINESS” When powerhouse speakers meet business leaders, that’s both a trick and a treat in the history of Hong Kong Toastmasters! Happy Halloween, indeed! Best Speaker: Leo Chan Best Table Topics: Elsa Law Best Evaluator: Mark Garcia Album



“19/09 GET THE EDGE” We came as one and together did get the edge with sharp speeches and evaluations! Best speakers: 1. Best prepared speech: Mark Garcia 2. Best Table Topic: Ben Fung 3. Best Evaluator: Wendy Chan and Samuel Sieh Gallery