Club Officers Inauguration Ceremony

The Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Toastmasters Club is re-elected every year. Any member, regardless of leadership experience or length of club membership, can stand for office and be elected.

Our Excom members contribute to the success of our club and play an important role in fulfilling Toastmasters International’s mission: We empower people to be better communicators and leaders.

The club officer at a Toastmaster club typically consists of eight club officers:

  • President
  • Vice President of Education (VPE)
  • Vice President of Membership (VPM)
  • Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR)
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Sergeant at Arms (SAA)
  • Intermediate Past President (IPP)

The club president chairs the Excom. The VP of Education is the second highest-ranking officer of the club. The Excom works as a team and handles all business and administrative tasks of the club. All important decisions are discussed and made collectively among all Excom members. The Immediate Past President provides advice and guidance at the request of the club president. The tenure on the Excom enables the members to gain valuable practical management experience.