When 3 Toastmasters clubs come together, what will be triggered? A Triathlon!
In this very special meeting, we joined arms with two other prominent Toastmasters clubs: The HK Achievers and Roastmasters, to host our first-ever Toastmasters Triathlon public speaking contest. Members from three clubs compete in three contests: Prepared Speech, Table Topics, and Evaluation, to determine the champion team. This was all about teamwork and fun!
This event drew a bigger coward than we had anticipated. A total of 88 people attended the meeting; some even had to stand without seats as a result! We’re so grateful for the overwhelming love and support from members, friends, and guests from all three clubs
We kicked off the meeting with a special opening ceremony – Club Banner Parade – representatives from 3 clubs, Cyrus (Achievers), Serkan (Roastmasters), and Alex (HKTMC), carried their club banners marching to the center stage while the room burst into cheering and clapping. We smelt the Olympics Games vibe!
In the first contest, the prepared speech, Achievers’ speaker Jessica shared her life stories and what she had learned about “Failure is the mother of all success”. Followed by the second speaker Paul from Roastmasters who inspired us with a famous quote from the movie Rocky V, “It’s not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” Then we got another inspiration from our last speaker Ruby from HKTMC who stunned the audience by performing a one-arm push-up on stage to demonstrate her message that we can overcome any challenges with determination and hard work.
In the second contest, five guests and members were invited to share a 2- minute speech on stage with interesting topics related to the triathlon given by our Table Topics Master Albert from Roastmasters during the Table Topic session. We paid tribute to all the brave souls for stepping up and sharing their life stories with us!
As for the evaluation contest, three evaluators from three clubs: Renee (Roastmasters), Raymond (HKTMC), and Vanessa (Achievers), gave their constructive feedback and insight to our prepared speakers. We learned how to reinforce our messages, keep the stories and messages aligned, as well as introduce a “hero” that has inspired us to be more persuasive. We love learnings!
Congratulations to all individual winners!
Best Prepared Speaker: Ruby Sung (HKTMC)
Best Table Topics Speaker: Jennifer Cheng (Achievers)
Best Evaluator: Vanessa Li (Achievers)
Congratulations to all team winners!
Gold Medal: Hong Kong Achievers Toastmasters Club
Silver Medal: Hong Kong Toastmasters Club
Bronze Medal: Roastmasters Hong Kong Club
Our heartfelt thanks to the Toastmasters of the Evening (TME) Donald Yee, the General Evaluator Allen Po, and all the helpers, guests and members for making our first-ever Toastmaster Triathlon so successful! This remarkable event sharpened our public speaking and communication skills while connecting us with like-minded souls. Hope to see you all again in our Second Toastmasters Triathlon next year!
Our next meeting is on the 15 May. Looking forward to seeing you!