August has been a busy month for Hong Kong Toastmasters Club. There were plenty of opportunities to develop ourselves to be better speakers and leaders. Furthermore, our members have connected with plenty of old and new friends in the Toastmasters Community. Here is a recap of our eventful August:
Regular Meeting Highlights
Our first meeting in August was full of laughters with “Why So Serious?” as theme. Lester Cheng gave us insights into how the NBA team Spurs employed successful tactics to win. Eng Wah Lim persuaded us to drink water with an empty stomach in the morning for better health. Alan Kwong won the Best Speaker Award for his informative workshop on EaspSpeak – a tool for all our members to book meeting roles. The Table Topics session was as hilarious as ever. Michael Boynton renamed herself to Rachel Ong and won the Best Table Topics Speaker Award. The Best Evaluator was a real Ong, Ai Ai Ong. Ruth Benny from Centraler Toastmasters Club gave an engaging General Evaluation. Our Area G1 Governor K C Tang conducted his Area Governor visit.
Evaluation Speech Workshop
Asta Lee, our club’s Speech Evaluation expert has returned and delivered an educational workshop on: Three minutes of Greatness – How to craft an Evaluation Speech for YOURSELF and for the SPEAKER! It was our club’s first attempt to have a 2 hour educational workshop that consist of a mini-lecture, group discussion, demo speaker, three practice evaluations and a feedback session. A big THANK YOU to Asta for covering this topic in great depth. Our new and current members were motivated to give constructive evaluations.
It was our pleasure to have Yingdan Liu, District 85 International Speech Champion, to be the demo speaker at our workshop. In her speech, “Thank you, I love you!”, Yingdan paid tribute to her mother-in-law who has recently passed away. Our hearts are with Yingdan and Donald’s family. Soon after giving her demo speech at Hong Kong Toastmasters Club, Yingdan won the 2nd runner-up at the Inter-District Speech contest at the Kuala Lumpur International Convention. We can certainly learn from Yingdan’s courage and determination.
Connecting with the Toastmasters Community
The center of attention of the world-wide Toastmasters Community was of course the 83rd International Convention held on 20 to 23 August 2014 in Kuala Lumpur. It was the first Toastmasters Convention held outside of US soil. Plenty of Toastmasters in Hong Kong and China had a blast at the conference. Hong Kong Toastmasters Club members Ai Ai Ong, Rita Tsui, Michael Boynton, Calvin and Clement Lee attended this eye-opening event. Visit our Facebook Fan Page for more photographs.
Our members continued to visit other clubs in the Toastmasters Community in Hong Kong. Andrew Yeung, Ben Fung and Bonnie Lam were warmly welcomed by Centraler Toastmasters Club where Andrew conducted the General Evaluator role in their regular meeting. As it is contest season with a high demand on judges and helpers, our members also offered our assistance at other clubs.
Our Members
After spending 3 fruitful years at our club, Sergio Aguirre will soon relocate to Beijing. Goodbye and all the best, Sergio. Four new members joined our club this month, they are: Sharie Chan, Raj Thammineni, Sue Yen Leow and Marianne Johnson. Congratulations! Looking forward to explore this exciting journey together.
Ann Lee – has completed her 3rd Project of the Competent Communicator Manual. Well done Ann, looking forward to your next speech!
Ben Fung ACB – has completed his Advanced Communicator Bronze. Congratulations! Thanks for being a role model for all of us.
Coming Soon – Event Highlights
1 Sep – Club Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contests
12 Sep – The Road to Speakathon mini-workshop – Sit down with a coffee and brainstorm speech topics. Contact Ben Fung and Alan Kwong now!
15 Sep – New Members Induction – All new members who joined in the past 6 months will be formally introduced to our club
27 Sep – Area G1 Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contests – Winners of Club Contests will compete at Area Contest
29 Sep – Speakathon – 8 Speaking Slots available – Prepare your speech now!
Andrew Yeung ACS ALB
Hong Kong Toastmasters Club
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Join us at our 60th Anniversary @ 21 Nov 2014